CAD Decimate is a tool designed to efficiently decimate heavy meshes that would normally cause crashes due to running out of memory when using Blender or Zbrush. It has been tested on a scene with 330 million triangles and thousands of objects, successfully decimating them to a more reasonable polygon count, something that was impossible to do in Zbrush or stock Blender because of memory limitations.


Auto LOD - Tool to quickly create LODs WIP


Quick Bake Name - Tool to quickly create bake names for high and lowpoly.

If two objects are selected it will give the highest poly object _high and lowest _low. If multiable objects are selected it will give _low to the active object and _high, _high.001, _high.002 and so one to the other. In substance painter or marmoset they will then be seen as one highpoly object when baking. ****


Polycount List - Get a list of all the objects and there poly count

found in Scene Properties

found in Scene Properties


Utilities Panel - Adds new operations to to the N Toolkit Panel WIP

Join Objects & Keep Normals - Just joins the selected objects and will just work! No missing normals, UV maps, weird transforms etc.

Quick Apply - Quick way to apply all modifiers on a object with very heavy modifiers like decimate in a fraction of the regular time if the output mesh is relatively lowpoly. Can screw up materials, so make backups before using.

Quick Export - Exports the currently selectde meshes if Ctrl E is clicked. By defualt it will export it out as a .obj besides where the .blend file is savde. If a collection is named high or low and its the active collection a folder called “bake” will be created beside the .blend file and .obj file that called blend file + _ high or low. Greate tool when your iterating and fixing bake errors and whant to quickly export new iterations.

Material Index - Tool to sort and assign Material Indexes after a index list. Usful for exporting models to 3ds Max when using multi materials.
